Theoretical Knowledge
- Gases and gas laws
- Nitrox
- Use of helium-based gas mixes
- Physiology
- Decompression theories
- Use of decompression gases
- Dive planning
- Decompression dive planning
- Equipment configuration
The theory should at least be equal to the contents of the course book “The Basic Skills of Technical Diving” by Michael Bergström.
The instructor is encouraged to add relevant theory.
Wreck Diver
- Gases and gas laws
- Nitrox
- Use of helium-based gas blends
- Physiology
- Decompression theories
- Use of decompression gases
- Dive planning
- Gas planning when diving wrecks
- Searching for wrecks
- How to attach decent/ascent lines to a wreck
- Navigation on wrecks
- Diving in bad visibility
- Dangers and risks associated with wreck diving
- Laws and regulations concerning wrecks and wreck diving
- Decompression dive planning
- Equipment configuration
The theory should at least be equal to the contents of the course book “The Basic Skills of Technical Diving” by Michael Bergström.
The instructor is encouraged to add relevant theory.